In our Preschool classrooms, mixed age groups allow children to learn at their own
pace while providing the younger children in the group with positive
role models. The older children in the group are given the opportunity
to feel successful and self confident because of their greater maturity
and competence.
We believe that the work of a preschool child is
his or her play. Play serves as a vehicle for learning. Through a
variety of play situations, we provide a setting that will:
Develop social skills and provide opportunities for children to make friends.
Build self-esteem and self-confidence and encourage independence.
Allow children to develop a sense of self and an awareness of the world around them.
Provide opportunities to be part of a group, to compromise, to share, to lead, and to follow.
Stimulate cognitive development, curiosity, and a desire to learn.
Encourage exploration, discovery, creativity, and imagination.
Increase language, listening, and attention skills.
Provide opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and gross motor skills.
Promote growth and learning in a warm and nurturing environment.
Help children to be caring, accepting friend to others, and to accept others' differences.
strive to ensure that each child is given the opportunity to develop
the foundation necessary for a lifetime of enjoyable learning.